
AutoEncoder, AE

Autoencoder-Deep Learning

  1. Dimensionality reduction Reducing the dimensionality of data with neural networks (Science 2006)
  2. Information retrieval via semantic hashing: produce a code that is low-dimensional and binary, then stored in hash table. 1. easily return entries with same binary code and search similar (or less similar) entries efficiently
  3. Denoising, inpaint task


Auto-encoding variational bayes (ICLR 2014)
How to apply autoencoder to generative task like GAN? Variantional AutoEncoder

  • enforce the posterior distribution of latent representation \(p(z|x)\) follows standard distribution
  • encoder (MLP) compute mean vector \(\mu\) and standard deiation vector \(\sigma\), combine them to sampled latent vector \(z\)
\[\tilde{L}(\theta, \Phi;x^{(i)}) = \overbrace{ - D_{KL}(q_\Phi(z|x^{(i)}) \parallel p_\theta(z)) }^{\text{the KL divergence of the approximate posterior from the prior, acts as a regularizer}} + \overbrace{ \frac{1}{L}\sum^L_{l=1}(log p_\theta(x^{(i)}|z^{(i,l)})) }^{\text{the expected negative reconstruction error}}\]

Re-parameterization Trick

adding noise that follow standard distribution to latent space in order to backpropagate through a random node

\[z=\mu+\sigma \epsilon \text{ , where }\epsilon \text{ is an auxiliary noise variable }\epsilon \sim N(0, 1)\]

result: improve latent space that not accessable with samples in dataset*9ouOKh2w-b3NNOVx4Mw9bg@2x.png from Understanding Variational Autoencoders (VAEs) - Towards Data Science


random generate latent representation \(z\) that follows sample distribution \(log q_\phi(z|x^{(i)})=log N(z;μ^{(i)},σ^{2(i)}I)\), then use decoder to generate output

VAE comparing with GAN


  • usually blurry generated image
  • posterior collapse: the latents are ignored when they are paired with a powerful autoregressive decoder


  • cover all modes of the data, and do not suffer from the problems of mode collapse and lack of diversityseen in GANs


Autoencoding beyond pixels using a learned similarity metric (ICML 2016)

  • replace elemeent-wise reconstruction loss by some layer in discrimator


Neural Discrete Representation Learning (NIPS 2017) - DeepMind
VQ-VAE stands for Vector Quantised Variational AutoEncoder

  • the encoder network outputs discrete, rather than continuous, codes, learning prior via codebook loss $$
  • using autoregressive model as encoder. PixelCNN for image, WaveNet for audio

Interpolation of VQ-VAE

Based on the idea of VQ-VAE that it enforce latent representation more close to the datasets (discrete), it is expected that it’s weaker at interpolation to generate unseen samples.

On the lines task, we found that this (VQ-VAE) procedure produced poor interpolations.
–Paper of [ACAI]


Understanding and Improving Interpolation in Autoencoders via an Adversarial Regularizer (ICLR 2019) | OpenReview ACAI stands for Adversarially Constrained Autoencoder Interpolation

A critic network is fed interpolants and reconstructions and tries to predict the interpolation coefficient α corresponding to its input (with α = 0 for reconstructions). The autoencoder is trained to fool the critic into outputting α = 0 for interpolants.


Adversarial Latent Autoencoders (CVPR 2020)
StyleGAN + latent space reconstruction via VAE (is the concept a bit like UNIT in single domain & loss based on latent space ?)