Conditional / Repersentation of GAN

Apply condition, interactive/editing

Representation Learning


  1. Manipulate output of generative models
  2. Transfer learning, embedding feature vector for other task (e.g. faceNet for face recognition, word2vec for NLP, VGG loss)

Latent Space

Latent Space of encoder

Manipulation Process

input: unlabelled dataset to train encoder

  1. Train encoder-decoder(e.g. AutoEncoder) with unlabelled dataset
  2. Obtain average encoding of positive and negative inputs from labelled dataset
  3. Get manipulation vector by taking difference
  4. Manipulate new x_input along z_manipulate

Conditional GAN

Conditional Generative Adversarial Nets (CoRR 2014) by Mehdi Mirza, Simon Osindero
Apply GAN by learning conditions (supervised)
../_images/cGAN.png ../_images/cGAN_MNIST.png
Applications shown in paper: genetarte MNIST digits (from noise+condition that specified digit number) & image tagging
Image-to-image translation model like pix2pix could be considiered conditional GAN, with image input as condition.


Generative Visual Manipulation on the Natural Image Manifold (ECCV 2016) - Adobe

learn the natural image manifold directly from data using a generative adversarial neural network. We then define a class of image editing operations, and constrain their output to lie on that learned manifold at all times.

architecture based on DCGAN ../_images/iGAN.png

Manipulating the Latent Vector

Each editing operation is formulated as a constraint \(f_g(x)=v_g\), g include color, shape and warping constraints
given an initial projection \(x_0\), find a new image x close to \(x_0\) trying to satisfy as many constraint as possible via Gradient descent update (just like style-transfer, training 1 model for specified loss)


  1. Manipulating an existing photo based on an underlying generative model to achieve a different look (shape and color);
  2. “Generative transformation” of one image to look more like another;
  3. Generate a new image from scratch based on user’s scribbles and warping UI. feature mapping, mini-batch discrimination

Projection Discriminator

cGANS with Projection Discriminator (ICLR 2018)
incorporate the conditional information into the discriminator in projection based way to improve quality of the class conditional image generation. code ../_images/projection_discriminator_fig1.png


A Style-Based Generator Architecture for Generative Adversarial Networks (CVPR 2019) by Nvidia
links The generator starts from a learned constant input and adjusts the “style” of the image at each convolution layer based on the latent code, therefore directly controlling the strength of image features at different scales. ../_images/styleGAN_generator.png


Model of antoencoder/ALAE
apply VAE on StyleGAN to enable manipulations based on real images, while previous generative GAN manipulate with generated images only.