
AutoEncoder, AE

Not sure where is the origin Autoencoder-Deep Learning Usage:

  1. Dimensionality reduction Reducing the dimensionality of data with neural networks (Science 2006)
  2. Information retrieval via semantic hashing: produce a code that is low-dimensional and binary, then stored in hash table. 1. easily return entries with same binary code and search similar (or less similar) entries efficiently
  3. Denoising, inpaint task

VAE (ICLR 2014)

Auto-encoding variational bayes

  1. add divergence loss
  2. encode mean vector and standard deiation vector, combine them to sampled latent vector regulatisation and generalize via adding noise that follow standard distribution to latent space
\[log p(x) \geq log p(x) - D_{KL}(q(z)||p(z|x)) = E_{z~q} log p(x,z) + H(q)\]


Disadvantages comparing with GAN:

  • blur output
  • Not asymptotically consistent unless q is perfect


Adversarial Latent Autoencoders (CVPR 2020)
StyleGAN + latent space reconstruction via VAE (is the concept a bit like UNIT in single domain & loss based on latent space ?)